Sunday, November 11, 2012

Surgery Date

Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 20th @ 10:30am at Florida Hospital outpatient surgery in Orlando. We are hoping to be able to go home same day!!!


  1. Dru and I pray for you every night Sensei...Trey and Dru Auld

  2. Michelle & Dylan BullisNovember 12, 2012 at 9:48 PM

    Keeping you in our thoughts and hearts. Let us know if you need absolutely ANYTHING!

  3. Thank you all so very much!!! <3

  4. Continuing to lift you and your family up!! Love you guys!!

  5. Patient Blessing

    May you find an oasis of peace with yourself.
    May you know your gifts and share them with others.
    May you be surrounded by the love of those who care for you.
    May isolation be replaced with the communion of kindred spirits.
    May fear and anxiety dissipate leaving space for Hope.
    May you live All the days of your life.
    May the lives of significant others imprint and enrich your own.
    May you embrace your humanness and have faith in your wholeness.
    May the “little altars everywhere” remind you of all that is sacred.
    May your heart be filled with love, gratitude and thanksgiving.
    May you know that you are a Blessing.-

    Written by the employees of Wings Cancer Foundation
