Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Good Morning all, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the gifts, cards, flowers, meals, company, prayers, thoughts! All bring smiles to our faces and our hearts! 
Feeling better each day...
Dr. called yesterday afternoon with reports from testing on the lymph nodes that were removed, I only had cancer in 2 out of 16 nodes, which is good news, because 4 or more would have meant stage 3 cancer. We are still at stage 2 which currently means no radiation. The tumor was about an inch.
Chemo will start roughly after 6 weeks post surgery, which will bring it to the first of the year. So that is good for Christmas! 
I will also have to be treated after that with some hormone drug, not sure on details, will post when I know.
Reconstruction will resume 6 weeks after last chemo treatment.
I have a post op with Plastic surgeon Dr. Peters tomorrow and with Dr. Rahm (breast specialist who did Mastectomy) on Friday. Will keep you posted! 


  1. Good to hear things are progressing well. you are missed!! (-:
