Thursday, December 20, 2012

Port surgery

Procedure went very well port is officially in. I am a little sore but so much easier than the last surgery! I'll take it! Love to all! Xoxo

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Saw dr. Peters (plastic surgeon) today all went well very pleased with my progress, do not need to go see him again until the end of March. At that time we will schedule my final surgery at the end of may beginning of june, after chemo is finished. Praying now I stay healthy for the next 5 months so nothing delays my treatments! Love to all!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Had preop appointment with Dr. Rahm yesterday afternoon to decide where the port was going. The port is going to go in my chest, Rather than my arm. Dr. thought that Having it in the arm would bother me more in training. Will have the port surgery on December 20th. Look forward to seeing everyone at the Christmas party this Sunday! Xoxo

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Saw the oncologist today went well. my first chemo treatment starts December 26 I will have eight rounds of chemo every two weeks so it will go 16 weeks. I am healing nicely everything is going ahead of schedule as far as healing goes. Thoughts and prayers and meals and everything means more than words can say thank you everyone!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thank you Peg for the massage I think it helped so much because I was able to sleep the first time Since my surgery, for three hours straight without waking up in pain! Every day gets better and better today's going to be a good day! I meet with my oncologist tomorrow The meals of been so wonderful thank you everyone for all of your labors of love! XO XO

Friday, November 30, 2012

Got last drain taken out today! Happy I got them all out in 10 days instead of 14! Still dealing with pain but will get better. Dr. Says its because my muscles are so tone that causes it to be more painful, but its a good thing for healing purposes. Thanks for all the continued support! Ly all

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Great news! Dr. Peters said I was healing amazingly fast and that he normally doesn't take the drains out until 2 weeks, however he was able to take 2 of the 3 drains out today! That was not fun, but having them out is awesome! All of my incisions are looking great! I am looking forward to sleeping on my side tonight!!! Thank you again for all the thoughts and  prayers!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Good Morning all, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the gifts, cards, flowers, meals, company, prayers, thoughts! All bring smiles to our faces and our hearts! 
Feeling better each day...
Dr. called yesterday afternoon with reports from testing on the lymph nodes that were removed, I only had cancer in 2 out of 16 nodes, which is good news, because 4 or more would have meant stage 3 cancer. We are still at stage 2 which currently means no radiation. The tumor was about an inch.
Chemo will start roughly after 6 weeks post surgery, which will bring it to the first of the year. So that is good for Christmas! 
I will also have to be treated after that with some hormone drug, not sure on details, will post when I know.
Reconstruction will resume 6 weeks after last chemo treatment.
I have a post op with Plastic surgeon Dr. Peters tomorrow and with Dr. Rahm (breast specialist who did Mastectomy) on Friday. Will keep you posted! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


She said she was feeling much better today! I think removing the tape really helped. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers! (:

Monday, November 26, 2012


She's been able to eat and she has been moving around a little more! She had an allergic reaction to the tape they put on so the doctor said to take it off today and she has felt much better. She really appreciates the meals everyday thank you everyone!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Update 11/24/12

Hey everyone, I am sorry for the lack of updates and I will start posting more! My mom had a rough day Friday, she was feeling nauseous. She still went to the boys game and had her own section- she sat in our truck on the track around the football field and she had a fan section sitting in lawn chairs beside her! On Saturday she was able to eat, but she still was dealing with pains. Thank you all for the support! Stay strong! -Megan

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


She is all back to herself! The first things she said was about wanting wine and then the boys' football practice! I love my momie! Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers! -Megan


Surgery is done she is in the recovery stage now and we are just waiting for her to wake up! - Megan

2nd part of surgery

Dr just came in she said that she had to remove a few lymph nodes and send them back for testing an then she had to remove more. They removed all the tumors. Now she is with the other surgeon starting the second surgery but she said she is doing good. -Megan

Waiting room

This is the support team! Taking up half the waiting room of course. 2 hours down many to go

About to start surgery

We just got done saying our see you laters and she is about to go under. She is doing just fine and was laughing with us. Love everyone. -Megan

Monday, November 19, 2012

Tomorrow is the day! I will have someone update the blog for me! I love you all! Thank you so much for all the prayers and thoughts and gifts, and meals, and my wonderful friends who just listen, and mom and dad cleaning my house today! I am so very blessed!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pre-op appt went well. Labs done, they even did a pregnancy test and GOOD NEWS ........ I am NOT pregnant, thank you Jesus! I guess they do that to everyone before surgery lol!!!
Putting up my Christmas lights today!! So Excited!!! Have a great weekend everyone! xoxo

Warrior Symbols- Angel Wings

Angel Wings 
Honor the angels who have passed after their fight against breast cancer.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Next appt. is lab work tomorrow morning! No food or water after midnight! That means no coffee tomorrow am! Seriously! Poor Ray!
First Pre-op appt. done.... Lots of info! I love my Dr.! She is so awesome! She really takes her time and explains anything and everything you need. I am so blessed to have found her!!!

Symbols of the Warrior- Spiral

Represents life. A conduit through which physical and spiritual energies flow.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Warriors

The Warriors - Represent the powerful and the courageous who fight against Breast Cancer! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A lot of you wonderful folks have asked about bringing dinners during my recovery and that would be awesome! My boys and husband will be especially happy! 
One of my dearest friends is organizing this and below is her contact info if you would like to bring a meal. 
Kim Gulledge


Sunday, November 11, 2012


Hey gang, just wanted to say have a great week of training! Getting last minute things in order and spending time with family! Ttyl!<3

Surgery Date

Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 20th @ 10:30am at Florida Hospital outpatient surgery in Orlando. We are hoping to be able to go home same day!!!