Thursday, February 21, 2013

Round 5!

Doing well so far with the new cocktail. No nausea , really foggy and tired. Dr was going to reduce the dosage on my white blood cell booster tomorrow, so it wouldn't be to rough on me, but my counts weren't high enough....:(. Oh well, 5 down, only 3 to go! Xoxo

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Round 4! Half way there!

Doing good so far.....staying hydrated and resting! Thanks so much for all the encouragement and love! It keeps me fueled! Xoxo

Monday, February 4, 2013

Great Day for 5k Mestrong

What an amazing day!
The love and strength that surrounded me was the most amazing thing! You all help me to continue to fight! It means more to me than anyone could possibly imagine! I love you all!