Saturday, May 4, 2013

Good morning everyone doing fantastic today not in very much pain at all just sore so I will take it! My plastic surgeon rocks thank you Dr. peters! Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and your prayers and your constant support like I said before couldn't have done it without you love to all have a great weekend! Xoxo

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Final reconstructive surgery is tomorrow at 1pm!!!!! Pre-op appt. this afternoon, and we are good to go! Thank you everyone for all of your support, prayers, and love! I couldnt imagine going through this journey without it! Everyone of you have touched my heart and given me strength beyond words! Much Love!!!! xoxo

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Last Chemo Treatment!!!! Love my decorations done by my kids, my niece and my sister!!! Love you all! xoxoxo

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Round 7

Treatment went well today My count according to the doctor had to be above 10 I squeaked by with 10.1 yes! That means tomorrow I only have to get a half a shot again which makes my recovery time much faster and less painful! Only one more treatment to go! Love to all!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Round 6!

Hi everyone just got home from round number six! Feeling pretty tired which is a bummer because I had such energy the last three days but I know there's light at the end of the tunnel!
Good news is that my counts were good this time so tomorrow when I go to get my shot I only have to get half the dose so I'm really hoping that will help not make the muscle and bone aches last so long this time! Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts and support! Xoxo

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Round 5!

Doing well so far with the new cocktail. No nausea , really foggy and tired. Dr was going to reduce the dosage on my white blood cell booster tomorrow, so it wouldn't be to rough on me, but my counts weren't high enough....:(. Oh well, 5 down, only 3 to go! Xoxo

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Round 4! Half way there!

Doing good so far.....staying hydrated and resting! Thanks so much for all the encouragement and love! It keeps me fueled! Xoxo